1 LEFT:Dick Baumgartner, Lynn Jackson, Scott Sturm and Nancy Sturm
RIGHT: Greg and Glennis Gile; Bill Hand in the
background |
2 LEFT:Linda (Valdois) Whitcomb, David Hamilton and David Whitcomb
RIGHT: Wally Cairns, Benny Aguilera and Joe Cairns;
Mike Behrendt with his back to the camera |
3 LEFT:Gary Shields and Bob Messey
RIGHT: Marsha DeFoe (foreground) and Linda Dewey |
LEFT:David Hamilton talks to Darlene Crosno; Chuck
Townsend in the background
RIGHT: Norman King and Dick Baumgartner |
5 LEFT: Alan Tibbetts and Leo Rogers
RIGHT: Dick Baumgartner, Carol Maxwell, Jane Miller
(Polk), Scott Sturm and Joe Cairns |
6 LEFT:Dave Rabe and Carol Maxwell
RIGHT: Darlene Crosno and Lynn Jackson |
7 LEFT: Bob Troxell, Chuck Townsend and Marsha DeFoe
RIGHT: Bill Hand and Teresa New |
8 LEFT: Nancy and Scott Sturm, and LaRue Terrell
RIGHT: Glenna Parson and Suzanne Burlingame |
9 LEFT: David and Linda (Valdois) Whitcomb checking out Who's Who in
the Class of 1964
RIGHT: Leo Rogers and Russell Klick |
10 LEFT: Bob Curley and Mike Leary (and wife)
RIGHT: Wally Cairns, Ben Aguilera and Mike Behrendt |
11 LEFT: David Hamilton, Wes Mason and Carol Maxwell (Mason)
RIGHT: Jane Miller (Polk),Mrs Thelma Delamarter,
Judy Christensen and Linda Delamarter |
12 LEFT: Linda Delamarter and Lynn Jackson
RIGHT: Karen Kenslow and Bob Curley; and ummm...
Scott Sturm :-) |
13 LEFT: Mike Behrendt, Don Rolison and Gary Shields
RIGHT: Karen Kenslow and Wally Cairns |
14 LEFT: Bob Curley and Chuck Townsend
RIGHT: Ben Aguilera, Wally Cairns and Mike Leary |
15 LEFT: Karen Kenslow, Bill Hand and Dave Rabe
RIGHT: Bob Troxel, Norman King and Gary Shields |
16 LEFT: Janet Weber and Bob Waters
RIGHT: Greg Gile, Bob Messey and wife. |
17 LEFT: Nancy Altom and LaRue Terrell
RIGHT: Pat Mosley and Judy Logue (Mosley) |
18 LEFT: Rose Ann Loyd and husband, Mark
RIGHT: Roy Rogers and Joe Cairns |
19 LEFT: Sandi Welch and Rod Jones; background - Fronzia Minge
(Rolison), Judy Whaley, Chuck Townsend, Don Rolison
RIGHT: Scott Sturm and Marsha DeFoe |
20 LEFT: Judy Whaley,___________ and Rona Rhodes
RIGHT: Rona Rhodes and Leo Rogers |
21 LEFT: Mike Leary, Gary Shields and Rose Ann Loyd
RIGHT: Karen Kenslow and Linda Dewey |
22 LEFT: Peggy Olinger and Carol Maxwell
RIGHT: Sandi Welch, Teresa New and Pam Easley |
23 LEFT: Rose Ann Loyd, Chuck Townsend and Karen Kenslow
RIGHT: Judy Christensen and Nancy Davidson |
24 LEFT: Suzanne Burlingame, Lynn Jackson, Glenna Parson and Lanette
RIGHT: Rose Ann Loyd, Wally Cairns and Judy
Christensen |
25 LEFT: Karen Kenslow and Bob Curley
RIGHT: Dick Baumgartner did a very good job with the
formalities |